Make sure your wishes come true
dandylion makes it easier for you to ask for (and get!) what you really want. No more exchanges, returns or re-gifting. Make a wish list for any occasion.
Coming soon!
Getting gifts can be awkward
It's hard to know what to ask for, but it’s even harder to have to pretend to like what you received. Put aside your fears of getting socks (again!) and let dandylion make it easy to always get exactly what you want.
Americans celebrate their birthday daily*
Merchandise returned during holidays*
How it works
Clear up some closet space
Stop hiding bad gifts on the back shelf. No need to re-gift. Make your first wish list with dandylion in less than 5 minutes.
Create a wish list
Tell us about your gifting event (looking at you, Festivus), and give your wish list a custom name.
Add items
Add as many as you want. Make it easy for others to get you the right thing by providing links and pricing info.
Share with others
Friends, family, admirers – whoever! – can anonymously claim gifts and plan to celebrate you.
Start getting better gifts today
We are still furiously pounding on our keyboards to get this up and running. If you give us your email, we can give you a shout when everything is in working order.
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Coming soon!
Dandy, the personification of dandylion, is always happy to help.
Salutations! Should you require any assistance, consider me at your devoted service. May our interactions be as enriching as they are delightful.
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